Obligatory initial post
...made more so because I didn't want to just launch into a 'typical' post - one that would require you to just pick up on reading my ramblings as though we are midstream and have blog-versing history twixt us...
And now that's said, and I've finally gotten around to this, I'm out of time to really put down what I wanted to, so the condensed version will have to do: Had my first taste of a magazine reader over the last week or so, after buying a subscription to Business2.0 via >Zinio - the idea being the Zinio reader is a standalone downloaded and installed, that each issue is downloaded to after you're notified via email that its hit the virtual newstands. I've found it really good so far(apart from bugs with printing out pages) - including rather intuitive (well, 'easy to get used to' might be a more accurate description) navigation between pages (things such as page turning, and zooming in and out). Being able to sit on the couch, notebook on knees obviously adds to the illusion, but I still think this type of product gets publishers closer to an ideal distribution of e-titles. (There is of course the separate benefit of being able to get US titles in Aust on the cheap through this method too).
And now that's said, and I've finally gotten around to this, I'm out of time to really put down what I wanted to, so the condensed version will have to do: Had my first taste of a magazine reader over the last week or so, after buying a subscription to Business2.0 via >Zinio - the idea being the Zinio reader is a standalone downloaded and installed, that each issue is downloaded to after you're notified via email that its hit the virtual newstands. I've found it really good so far(apart from bugs with printing out pages) - including rather intuitive (well, 'easy to get used to' might be a more accurate description) navigation between pages (things such as page turning, and zooming in and out). Being able to sit on the couch, notebook on knees obviously adds to the illusion, but I still think this type of product gets publishers closer to an ideal distribution of e-titles. (There is of course the separate benefit of being able to get US titles in Aust on the cheap through this method too).
Well, I have to say, if this is going to be what you write about all the time, I don't think this is going to be regular reading for me : p
But enjoy it anyway....
Anonymous, at 8:20 AM
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