Under the Rotunda

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Australian iTunes Music store to be launched tomorrow?

I know, I know, we've heard the stories before and they've been way off the mark (a year and counting for this one), and this AppleInsider report from October 2004 refers to a Financial Review article.

But we all know the US MacWorld is on now, and in what I think is pretty compelling evidence of something coming,
there is scheduled to be an Australian Mac event in Sydney (at The Westin), tomorrow (12th Jan). As Les Posen calculates, thats 9 hours after Jobs' keynote at the San Francisco MacWorld (and in his opinion it seems anything under 10 hours suggests its B.I.G. :)

Fingers crossed it is the iTunes store... and that tracks are AU99c (although would this amount to Apple making a loss given the dollar, assuming wholesale prices are the same?). This of course would undercut both Teltra's BigPond Music and ninemsn's current prices.

Update: The kids over at GadgetLounge point out that Paypal now support the Australian dollar. Another piece of evidence (albeit slim).


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