Under the Rotunda

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Because there's not enough blog noise about Apple's new products...

The Mac mini itself
1. I agree with Om Malik (who also writes for Business 2.0) - its going to appeal as a nice media-centre-type PC. With apps like iTunes and iLife combining with the sexiness of the Mac 'ideal' and recent products such as the Airport Express, and of course the iPod in whichever permutation.
2. I also really like the comparative pic that the B2day guys have up (which I believe is straight from the Mac Mini official site).

Blog action on the new products
1. A Technorati search returns 1,075 posts. Not bad considering the keynote only concluded a few hours ago.

2. Blogosphere activity is heavily used to simply record people's opinions on things such as officially announced products, as per the Technorati results above.

But the blogosphere activity also seems to reverberate a rumour (no matter how cleverly insightful and possibly true) to such a degree that it seems to become a "how could it not be true, i've read about it on so many blogs" situation.

This certainly seems to the case with the rumoured launch of the Australian iTunes music store possibly today.

The problem is, all the posts (at least the ones Technorati shows) are based on the same two things:
1. the Fairfax newspaper story from yesterday (free regstrn required); and
2. Les Posen's deduction/observation about an Australian Mac event in Sydney just hours after Jobs' keynote.

The impact of those two things though is getting amplified by them being repeated and linked to so much by blogs - amplified beyond their original significance with respect to the accuracy of the speculation.

Oh, and just to say it one more time in the post in case I haven't used the word enough: blogosphere


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